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Russian-Mongolian talks

Ahead of the talks, President of Mongolia Ukhnaagiin
Khurelsukh Khurelsukh UkhnaagiinPresident of Mongolia officially welcomed President of Russia Vladimir Putin on Sukhbaatar Square. During the ceremony, both leaders introduced members of their respective delegations.
International consultations began with a conversation
between the two leaders in a restricted format, followed by a meeting with the participation of the two countries’ delegations.
A set of documents was signed following the talks.
The Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of Mongolia signed agreements on the development of basic project
documentation for the reconstruction of the TPP-3 thermal power plant in Ulaanbaatar,
as well as on cooperation in the supply of oil products and on providing
Mongolia with aviation fuel.
The Russian Federal Service for the Oversight of Consumer Protection and Welfare and the Ministry of Health of Mongolia signed
an Agreement on cooperation to ensure epidemiological welfare with regard to plague.
In addition, the Russian Federation Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and the Ministry of Environment and Climate
Change of Mongolia signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the conservation of Lake Baikal and the Selenga River.
Vladimir Putin and Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh also
made statements to the media.
During his official visit, the President of Russia attended celebrations marking the 85th anniversary of the victory in the Battle of Khalkhin Gol: he laid a wreath at the Monument to Marshal Zhukov and spoke at a reception. Vladimir Putin also visited school at the Ulaanbaatar branch of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.
* * *
Beginning of Russian-Mongolian talks in restricted format
President of Mongolia Ukhnaagiin Khurelsukh (retranslated): Mr President, we are delighted that
you have visited our country once again.
This year, we marked several
anniversaries that highlighted various stages in the development of relations
between our countries, including the 85th anniversary of our joint
victory in the battle on the river Khalkhin Gol and the 75th
anniversary our joint Mongolian-Russian Ulaanbaatar Railway. Also, 65 years
ago, we started to jointly develop virgin lands in our country, and 50 years
ago, the city of Erdenet was founded at the Erdenet joint ore mining and processing plant.
In 2019, when we celebrated the 80th
anniversary of our joint victory in the battle on the river Khalkhin Gol, you
and our President signed the Treaty on Friendly Relations and Comprehensive
Strategic Partnership. We will also mark the fifth anniversary of this document
in 2024.
We are very happy that you are
visiting our country once again this year, especially as we celebrate these
significant anniversaries. Your presence at the commemoration of our joint
victory in the battle on the river Khalkhin Gol is deeply appreciated by the entire
Mongolian nation. We are extremely happy and grateful that you have taken the time
to visit our country.
In June 2024, the people of Mongolia
elected members of the country’s parliament, the State Great Khural. This marked
the first parliamentary election following amendments to the Mongolian Constitution.
The main amendment stipulates an increase in the number of members of parliament from 76 to 126. We are also proud of the fact that women account for 25 percent of the new parliament.
Representatives of four
parties and one alliance were elected to the parliament, leading to the formation of a coalition government. The Prime Minister, a member of our party
who held this position for the past four years, has been re-elected, and a new
person has been appointed as the Speaker of the State Great Khural.
Politically, we are in a stable political situation.
Recently, we submitted to the parliament the main guidelines of the Government’s activities for the next four years, and the legislature approved
the document.
Over the past four or five years, our countries
and peoples jointly overcame the challenges we had to face, such as the COVID
epidemic, and as a result, our economy experienced corresponding difficulties.
During the COVID period, the Mongolian economy
declined by 4.5 percent. However, last year, it grew by seven percent, and foreign
trade doubled. If previously inflation amounted to 17 percent, now it is down
to five percent. Accordingly, real incomes increased over the past year or two.

The Mongolian public, the Government, and the state have always sought to promote our comprehensive strategic partnership.
This is our foreign policy priority. In recent years, our relations have become
more active, with several reciprocal visits at the highest and high levels.
The Mongolian-Russian Intergovernmental
Commission is the main mechanism for regulating our mutual relationship. The Commission recently held its 25th meeting. It is very active, with
the parties involved coordinating their actions. Even the results achieved in this regard show that our trade and economic cooperation is on the rise, contributing
to economic growth.
We view your current visit as highly important
for the development of our comprehensive partnership and the promotion of our
trade and economic cooperation across the board. It is our hope that it will
bring prosperity and wellbeing to our peoples.
Therefore, I would like to wish you a happy and enjoyable time in our country. Thank you once again for the opportunity to celebrate our common historic anniversary together.
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Thank you.
Mr President,
First of all, I want to thank you for the invitation.
It has, in fact, become a good tradition for us to meet in Mongolia every five years to mark the remarkable highly significant events in our shared history.
You have listed the dates we will be commemorating this year. Each of these dates holds special significance for both Russia and Mongolia. I would like to add that Erdenet, which you have mentioned, was planned by architects from Leningrad.
I am also pleased to note that our relations have been developing on a new foundation and have experienced growth in trade, despite the various challenges we have faced, including those you have mentioned, such as COVID.
In fact, relations between our countries are progressing well across all areas. Apart from the economy and politics, where we continue to cooperate quite actively, I would like to highlight the successful collaboration in culture and education.
The Intergovernmental Commission has been working proactively and there are good results. During our discussions today, we will undoubtedly touch upon the key trends in our economic collaboration.
To conclude my opening remarks, I would like to extend an invitation for you to visit Kazan, Russia, where the BRICS Summit will be held later this year. This will be the first top-level event following the recent expansion of the association. I hope you will take part in the BRICS Outreach – BRICS+ format.
We look forward to seeing you in Russia.
Khurelsukh (retranslated): Thank you. I accept your
